All files / src/app/core/store/general/regions regions.selectors.ts

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100% Functions 5/5
91.66% Lines 11/12

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import { createSelector } from '@ngrx/store';
import { Region } from 'ish-core/models/region/region.model';
import { getGeneralState } from 'ish-core/store/general/general-store';
import { regionAdapter } from './regions.reducer';
const getRegionsState = createSelector(getGeneralState, state => state.regions);
export const { selectAll: getAllRegions } = regionAdapter.getSelectors(getRegionsState);
export const getRegionsLoading = createSelector(getRegionsState, regions => regions.loading);
export const getRegionsByCountryCode = (countryCode: string) =>
  createSelector(getAllRegions, getRegionsLoading, (entities, loading): Region[] => {
    const regionsForCountry = entities.filter(e => e.countryCode === countryCode);
    // when still loading, do not return empty array because we can't be sure there are no regions
    Iif (loading && !regionsForCountry.length) {
    return regionsForCountry;