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(this.cookiesReader()[key] as string) : undefined; } remove(key: string, options?: CookiesOptions) { if (!SSR) { this.cookiesWriter()(key, undefined, options); } } put(key: string, value: string, options?: CookiesOptions) { if (!SSR) { this.cookiesWriter()(key, value, options); } } /** * Saves the given cookie consent options settings together with the current cookie consent version * to a users cookie named 'cookieConsent' and reloads the PWA application with the new settings. * * @param options The selected cookie consent options that should be enabled. */ setCookiesConsentFor(options: string[]) { const cookieConsentVersion = this.transferState.get<number>(COOKIE_CONSENT_VERSION, 1); this.deleteAllCookies(); this.put('cookieConsent', JSON.stringify({ enabledOptions: options, version: cookieConsentVersion }), { expires: new Date(new Date().setFullYear(new Date().getFullYear() + 1)), }); window.location.reload(); } setCookiesConsentForAll() { this.setCookiesConsentFor(Object.keys(this.cookieConsentOptions.options)); } /** * Check if consent was given for {option}. * * @param option The cookie consent option of interest. * @returns 'true' if the user has given the consent for the requested option, 'false' otherwise. */ cookieConsentFor(option: string): boolean { if (!SSR) { const cookieConsentSettings = JSON.parse(this.get('cookieConsent') || 'null') as CookieConsentSettings; return cookieConsentSettings?.enabledOptions ? cookieConsentSettings.enabledOptions.includes(option) : false; } else { return false; } } /** * Deletes all cookies except for the ones configured as 'allowedCookies' in the environments cookie consent options. */ private deleteAllCookies() { const allCookies = this.cookiesReader(); for (const cookie in allCookies) { Iif (!this.cookieConsentOptions?.allowedCookies.includes(cookie)) { this.cookiesWriter()(cookie, undefined); } } } private cookiesReader(): { [key: string]: unknown } { let lastCookies: { [key: string]: unknown } = {}; let lastCookieString = ''; let cookiesArray: string[]; let cookie: string; let i: number; let index: number; let name: string; const currentCookieString = this.document.cookie || ''; if (currentCookieString !== lastCookieString) { lastCookieString = currentCookieString; cookiesArray = lastCookieString.split('; '); lastCookies = {}; for (i = 0; i < cookiesArray.length; i++) { cookie = cookiesArray[i]; index = cookie.indexOf('='); if (index > 0) { name = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(0, index)); if (!lastCookies[name]) { const cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(index + 1)); if (cookieValue) { lastCookies[name] = cookieValue; } } } } } return lastCookies; } private cookiesWriter(): (name: string, value: string | undefined, options?: CookiesOptions) => void { return (name, value, options?) => { this.document.cookie = this.buildCookieString(name, value, options); }; } // eslint-disable-next-line complexity private buildCookieString(name: string, value: string | undefined, opts: CookiesOptions = {}): string { let path = opts.path; if (!path) { path = this.baseHref; } let expires = opts.expires; if (!value) { expires = 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT'; } if (typeof expires === 'string') { expires = new Date(expires); } // fix for Safari 14 not keeping 'SameSite=Strict' cookies when redirecting to a payment provider etc. Iif (browserNameVersion() === 'Safari 14' && opts.sameSite !== 'None') { opts.sameSite = 'Lax'; } let str = `${encodeURIComponent(name)}=${encodeURIComponent(value || '')}`; str += `;path=${path}`; str += opts.domain ? `;domain=${opts.domain}` : ''; str += expires ? `;expires=${expires.toUTCString()}` : ''; // if in an iframe set cookies always with SameSite=None, otherwise set the given SameSite, default to SameSite=Strict str += `;SameSite=${window.parent !== window ? 'None' : opts.sameSite || 'Strict'}`; // if in http mode (should only be in development) or if explicitly set to false do not set the cookie secure, default to secure // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-boolean-literal-compare str += window.location.protocol === 'http:' || === false ? '' : ';secure'; const cookiesLength = str.length + 1; Iif (cookiesLength > 4096) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(`Cookie \'${name}\' possibly not set or overflowed because it was too large (${cookiesLength} > 4096 bytes)!`); } return str; } } |