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Returns an error observable if parameters are falsy. * * @param wishlist Id The wishlist id. * @param sku The product sku. * @returns The changed wishlist. */ removeProductFromWishlist(wishlistId: string, sku: string): Observable<Wishlist> { Iif (!wishlistId) { return throwError(() => new Error('removeProductFromWishlist() called without wishlistId')); } Iif (!sku) { return throwError(() => new Error('removeProductFromWishlist() called without sku')); } return this.appFacade.customerRestResource$.pipe( first(), concatMap(restResource => this.apiService .delete( `${restResource}/-/wishlists/${this.apiService.encodeResourceId( wishlistId )}/products/${this.apiService.encodeResourceId(sku)}` ) .pipe(concatMap(() => this.getWishlist(wishlistId))) ) ); } } |