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The user can select one wishlist or enter a name for a new wishlist in order to add or move an item to a the selected wishlist. */ @Component({ selector: 'ish-select-wishlist-modal', templateUrl: './select-wishlist-modal.component.html', changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class SelectWishlistModalComponent implements OnInit { /** * changes the some logic and the translations keys between add or move a product (default: 'add') */ @Input() addMoveProduct: 'add' | 'move' = 'add'; /** * submit successful event */ @Output() submitEmitter = new EventEmitter<{ id: string; title: string }>(); private wishlistOptions$: Observable<SelectOption[]>; formGroup: FormGroup = new FormGroup({ wishlist: new FormControl(''), newList: new FormControl(''), }); showForm: boolean; modal: NgbModalRef; private destroyRef = inject(DestroyRef); @ViewChild('modal') modalTemplate: TemplateRef<unknown>; constructor(private ngbModal: NgbModal, private wishlistsFacade: WishlistsFacade) {} ngOnInit() { this.wishlistOptions$ = this.wishlistsFacade.wishlistSelectOptions$(this.addMoveProduct === 'move'); } /** emit results when the form is valid */ submitForm() { const radioButtons = this.formGroup.value; if (radioButtons?.wishlist && radioButtons.wishlist !== 'new') { if (this.formGroup.valid) { this.submitExisting(radioButtons.wishlist); } else E{ markAsDirtyRecursive(this.formGroup); } } else if (radioButtons.newList && this.formGroup.valid) { this.submitNew(radioButtons.newList); } else { markAsDirtyRecursive(this.formGroup); } } private submitExisting(wishlistId: string) { this.wishlistOptions$ .pipe( filter(options => options.length > 0), map(options => options.find(option => option.value === wishlistId).label), take(1), takeUntilDestroyed(this.destroyRef) ) .subscribe(label => { this.submitEmitter.emit({ id: wishlistId, title: label, }); this.showForm = false; }); } private submitNew(newList: string) { this.submitEmitter.emit({ id: undefined, title: newList, }); this.showForm = false; } /** close modal */ hide() { this.modal.close(); this.formGroup.reset(); } /** open modal */ show() { this.showForm = true; this.modal =; this.wishlistsFacade.preferredWishlist$ .pipe( whenTruthy(), take(1), withLatestFrom(this.wishlistsFacade.currentWishlist$), map(([preferredWishlist, selectedWishlist]) => ({ preferredWishlist, selectedWishlist })), takeUntilDestroyed(this.destroyRef) ) .subscribe(data => { // don't show wishlist selection form but add a product immediately if there is a preferred wishlist if (this.addMoveProduct === 'add') { this.formGroup.patchValue({ wishlist: }); this.submitForm(); } else { // set default form value to preferred wishlist unless the current wishlist is the preferred one Iif ( !== { this.formGroup.patchValue({ wishlist: }); } } }); } /** * Callback function to hide modal dialog (used with ishServerHtml). - is needed for closing the dialog after the user clicks a message link */ get callbackHideDialogModal() { return () => { this.hide(); }; } get selectedWishlistTitle$(): Observable<string> { const selectedValue = this.formGroup.value.wishlist; if (selectedValue === 'new' || !selectedValue) { return of(this.formGroup.value.newList); } else { return this.wishlistOptions$.pipe( filter(options => options.length > 0), map(options => options.find(opt => opt.value === selectedValue).label), take(1) ); } } /** returns the route to the selected wishlist */ get selectedWishlistRoute$(): Observable<string> { const selectedValue = this.formGroup.get('wishlist')?.value; if (selectedValue === 'new' || !selectedValue) { return this.wishlistsFacade.currentWishlist$.pipe( map(currentWishlist => `route://account/wishlists/${currentWishlist?.id}`), take(1) ); } else { return of(`route://account/wishlists/${selectedValue}`); } } /** translation key for the modal header */ get headerTranslationKey() { return this.addMoveProduct === 'add' ? '' : 'wishlist.table.options.move_to_another_wishlist'; } /** translation key for the submit button */ get submitButtonTranslationKey() { return this.addMoveProduct === 'add' ? 'account.wishlists.add_to_wishlist.add_button.text' : 'account.wishlists.move_wishlist_item.move_button.text'; } /** translation key for the success text */ get successTranslationKey() { return this.addMoveProduct === 'add' ? 'account.wishlists.add_to_wishlist.confirmation' : 'account.wishlists.move_wishlist_item.confirmation'; } } |