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cvcLastUpdatedAttr.value.toString() : undefined; if (cvcLastUpdatedValue) { const cvcDate = new Date(cvcLastUpdatedValue); const diffAsMinutes = ( - cvcDate.getTime()) / (1000 * 60); if (diffAsMinutes <= parseInt(this.validityTimeInMinutes, 10)) { isExpired = false; } } } } return isExpired; } /** * call back function to submit data */ // visible-for-testing submitCallback(error: any) { if (error) { // map error messages if (typeof error.message !== 'string' && { this.errorMessage.cvc = any) => prop.key === 'verification'); if (this.errorMessage.cvc?.code) { this.errorMessage.cvc.messageKey = this.getErrorMessage( this.errorMessage.cvc.code, 'credit_card', 'cvc', this.errorMessage.cvc.message ); this.cvcDetailForm.get('cvcDetail').setErrors({ customError: this.errorMessage.cvc.messageKey, }); } } } else E{ // update cvcLastUpdated to current timestamp const param = this.paymentInstrument.parameters?.map(attr => ({ name:, value: attr.value })); if (param.find(attribute => === 'cvcLastUpdated')) { param.find(attribute => === 'cvcLastUpdated').value = new Date().toISOString(); } else { param.push({ name: 'cvcLastUpdated', value: new Date().toISOString() }); } param.find(attribute => === 'paymentInstrumentId').value = this.paymentInstrument.parameters.find( attribute => === 'token' ).value; const pi: PaymentInstrument = { id:, urn: this.paymentInstrument.urn, accountIdentifier: this.paymentInstrument.accountIdentifier, parameters: param, paymentMethod: this.paymentInstrument.paymentMethod, }; this.checkoutFacade.updateConcardisCvcLastUpdated(pi); } } renewCVCDetails() { Iif (this.paymentInstrument.parameters?.find(attribute => === 'token')) { const tokenAttr = this.paymentInstrument.parameters.find(attribute => === 'token'); const tokenValue = tokenAttr.value ? tokenAttr.value.toString() : undefined; Iif (tokenValue) { const cvcValue = this.cvcDetailForm.get('cvcDetail').value; if (cvcValue) { PayEngine.verifyPaymentInstrument(tokenValue, cvcValue, (err: unknown) => this.submitCallback(err)); } else { this.cvcDetailForm.get('cvcDetail').setErrors({ required: true }); markAsDirtyRecursive(this.cvcDetailForm); } } } } } |