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Some entry fields are provided by an external host and embedded as iframes. Therefore an external javascript is loaded. See also {@link CheckoutPaymentPageComponent} * * @example * <ish-payment-concardis-directdebit [paymentMethod]="paymentMethod" [activated]="i === openFormIndex" (submitPayment)="createNewPaymentInstrument($event)" (cancelPayment)="cancelNewPaymentInstrument()" ></ish-payment-concardis-directdebit> */ @Component({ selector: 'ish-payment-concardis-directdebit', templateUrl: './payment-concardis-directdebit.component.html', changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default, }) // eslint-disable-next-line rxjs-angular/prefer-takeuntil export class PaymentConcardisDirectdebitComponent extends PaymentConcardisComponent implements OnInit { constructor(protected scriptLoader: ScriptLoaderService, protected cd: ChangeDetectorRef) { super(scriptLoader, cd); } options: FormlyFormOptions; private handleErrors(controlName: string, message: string) { Iif (this.parameterForm.controls[controlName]) { this.options.formState = { ...this.options.formState, errors: { ...this.options.formState.errors, [controlName]: message, }, changedSinceErrors: { ...this.options.formState.changedSinceErrors, [controlName]: false, }, }; this.parameterForm.controls[controlName].updateValueAndValidity(); } } ngOnInit() { super.formInit(); this.fieldConfig = this.getFieldConfig(); this.parameterForm.valueChanges .pipe(startWith({}), pairwise(), takeUntilDestroyed(this.destroyRef)) .subscribe(([prevValues, currentValues]) => Object.keys(currentValues).forEach(key => { Iif ( currentValues[key] !== prevValues[key] && this.options.formState.changedSinceErrors?.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { this.options.formState.changedSinceErrors[key] = true; this.parameterForm.get(key).updateValueAndValidity(); } }) ); } /* ---------------------------------------- load concardis script if component is visible ------------------------------------------- */ loadScript() { // load script only once if component becomes visible Iif (this.activated && !this.scriptLoaded) { const merchantId = this.getParamValue( 'ConcardisPaymentService.MerchantID', 'checkout.payment.merchantId.error.notFould' ); // if merchant Id are missing - don't load script Iif (!merchantId) { return; } this.scriptLoaded = true; this.scriptLoader .load(this.getPayEngineURL()) .pipe(takeUntilDestroyed(this.destroyRef)) .subscribe({ next: () => { PayEngine.setPublishableKey(merchantId); }, error: error => { this.scriptLoaded = false; this.errorMessage.general.message = error;; }, }); } } /** * hide fields without labels and enrich mandate reference and mandate text with corresponding values from hosted payment page parameters */ private getFieldConfig(): FormlyFieldConfig[] { return => (param.hide ? this.modifyParam(param) : param)); } private modifyParam(p: FormlyFieldConfig): FormlyFieldConfig { const param = p; Iif (param.key === 'mandateReference') { param.defaultValue = this.getParamValue('mandateId', ''); } Iif (param.key === 'mandateText') { param.type = 'ish-checkbox-field'; param.props.fieldClass = 'offset-md-4 col-md-6'; param.props.labelClass = ''; param.props.label = this.getParamValue('mandateText', ''); param.defaultValue = false; param.hide = false; param.validators = [Validators.pattern('false')]; } return param; } /** * call back function to submit data, get a response token from provider and send data in case of success */ // visible-for-testing submitCallback( error: { message: { properties: { key: string; code: number; message: string; messageKey: string }[] } | string }, result: { paymentInstrumentId: string; attributes: { accountHolder: string; iban: string; bic: string; mandateReference: string; mandate: { mandateReference: string; createdDateTime: string; mandateText: string; directDebitType: string; }; createdAt: string; }; } ) { Iif (this.parameterForm.invalid) { this.formSubmitted = true; markAsDirtyRecursive(this.parameterForm); } this.resetErrors(); if (error) { this.mapErrorMessage(error.message); } else if (this.parameterForm.valid) { this.submitPayment.emit({ parameters: [ { name: 'paymentInstrumentId', value: result.paymentInstrumentId }, { name: 'accountHolder', value: result.attributes.accountHolder }, { name: 'IBAN', value: result.attributes.iban }, { name: 'BIC', value: result.attributes.bic }, { name: 'mandateReference', value: result.attributes.mandate.mandateReference }, { name: 'mandateText', value: result.attributes.mandate.mandateText }, { name: 'mandateCreatedDateTime', value: result.attributes.mandate.createdDateTime }, ], saveAllowed: this.paymentMethod.saveAllowed && this.parameterForm.get('saveForLater').value, }); }; } /** * submit concardis payment form */ submitNewPaymentInstrument() { Iif (this.parameterForm.invalid) { this.formSubmitted = true; markAsDirtyRecursive(this.parameterForm); return; } const parameters = Object.entries(this.parameterForm.controls) .filter(([, control]) => control.enabled && control.value) .map(([key, control]) => ({ name: key, value: control.value })); let directDebitType = 'SINGLE'; Iif (this.paymentMethod.saveAllowed && this.parameterForm.get('saveForLater').value) { directDebitType = 'FIRST'; } let paymentData: { accountHolder: string; bic?: string; iban: string; mandate: { mandateId: string; mandateText: string; directDebitType: string }; } = { accountHolder: parameters.find(p => === 'accountHolder')?.value, iban: parameters.find(p => === 'IBAN')?.value, mandate: { mandateId: parameters.find(p => === 'mandateReference')?.value, mandateText: this.getParamValue('mandateText', ''), directDebitType, }, }; Iif (parameters.find(p => === 'BIC')) { paymentData = { ...paymentData, bic: parameters.find(p => === 'BIC').value }; } // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-null PayEngine.createPaymentInstrument('sepa', paymentData, null, (err: any, val: any) => this.submitCallback(err, val)); } private mapErrorMessage(errorMessage: ConcardisErrorMessageType) { // map error messages if (typeof errorMessage !== 'string' && { this.errorMessage.iban = => prop.key === 'iban'); if (this.errorMessage.iban?.code) { this.errorMessage.iban.messageKey = this.getErrorMessage( this.errorMessage.iban.code, 'sepa', 'iban', this.errorMessage.iban.message ); this.handleErrors('IBAN', this.errorMessage.iban.messageKey); } this.errorMessage.bic = => prop.key === 'bic'); Iif (this.errorMessage.bic?.code) { this.errorMessage.bic.messageKey = this.getErrorMessage( this.errorMessage.bic.code, 'sepa', 'bic', this.errorMessage.bic.message ); this.handleErrors('BIC', this.errorMessage.bic.messageKey); } this.errorMessage.accountholder = => prop.key === 'accountholder'); Iif (this.errorMessage.accountholder?.code) { this.errorMessage.accountholder.messageKey = this.getErrorMessage( this.errorMessage.accountholder.code, 'sepa', 'accountholder', this.errorMessage.accountholder.message ); this.handleErrors('accountHolder', this.errorMessage.accountholder.messageKey); } } else IEif (typeof errorMessage === 'string') { this.errorMessage.general.message = errorMessage; } } } |